Monday, September 26, 2011

Adopted 07-Sept-2011

Section 1. Name

            The name of this student organization shall be “The F-Stop Society” Herein after, and for short, “F-Stop”.  Once registered with the University of Oklahoma may adopt the surname “….a registered student organization at the University of Oklahoma.”

Section 1. Mission Statement

            The mission of the F-Stop Society is to promote personal growth as a student studying photography, film, or video through peer cooperation and collaborative endeavors. As well as provide students with additional opportunities and learning experiences other than that offered within their course curriculums. By doing this, The F-Stop Society aims to better prepare members for graduate school and/or careers following their undergraduate degrees as it relates to photography, film, or video.

Section 2. Purposes
            The purposes of The Society shall be as follows:
1.    To provide students with opportunities to strengthen their individual portfolios and résumés.
2.    To encourage and promote cooperation among its members, supporting mentorship among those advanced in their programs and those just entering.
3.    To provide students with additional learning experiences achieved through workshops, lectures, conferences, and hands-on opportunities
4.    To encourage members to practice their respective mediums and to take on the understanding of how to prepare for a professional exhibition; demonstrating their art both conceptually and technically.
5.    To install a sense of belonging and purpose within active members and to promote a healthy self-esteem and sense of accomplishment within members.


Section 1. Membership
A.   Any student currently enrolled in the University of Oklahoma as full-time that have been accepted into the School of Art & Art History is eligible for membership.
a.    Members are eligible to hold office, make motions, and vote.
Section 2. Associate Membership
A.   Any graduate student within the School of Art & Art History qualifies to be an associate member.
B.   All current faculty and staff within the School of Art & Art History are eligible for associate membership.
C.   Associate membership is reserved for individuals who share and support the mission and the purposes of F-Stop and who wish to support the continuing development of the society.
Section 3. Non-discrimination policy
            Membership in, association with, and benefits emanating from the organization and its related activities shall be based upon such considerations as performance, educational achievement, and other criteria related to the goals of the organization and purposes of the activities. Judgments in this regard based solely on an individual’s race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status, or political beliefs are not judgments based on such considerations. Further, the purpose of the organization must be consistent with the public policy as established by prevailing University Community standards.


Section 1. Officers of The Society Council
            The F-Stop Society shall have six (6) elected officers. The positions on the council shall be Presiding Officer, 1st Officers, Officer of Finance, Officer of Records, Officer of Public Relations, and Officer of Student Relations. Individuals running for a council position shall all run “at-large.” The designation of each of the council positions shall be determined by the incoming council and announced at the first meeting following the election.

Section 2. Qualifications
            Council members shall have the following qualifications:
A.   Currently an active member in good standing for at least one semester
B.   A full-time student in the University of Oklahoma within the school of Art & Art History who is majoring and has been accepted into Media or Visual Communications.
C.   Is not on academic probation
D.   Shall not be enrolled in more than 15 credit hours and no more than 09 studio hours during the term he or she wishes to serve.
Section 3. Nominations and Elections
A.   Any qualified member is eligible for council position.
B.   Nominations will be opened a month before the first day of dead week during the spring semester during a regular meeting. After nominations have been opened, members are given one week to complete a “intent-to-run” application.  
C.   F-Stop will not seek nominations during a regular or irregular meeting as is commonly accustomed, but rather rely on students to self-nominate themselves for a leadership position. A student who seeks a council position must complete an “intent-to-run” application, provided by the Society’s current Officer of Records or the adviser.
D.   Nominations will be closed a week after they opened. The head adviser must receive all applications by 5 PM of the final nominations day. During the next week, advisers and current council members will look over applications to verify qualification. Upon application approval, the Officer of Records will develop a newsletter or newsletter-type document that shall be given to all voting eligible members that include the candidate’s name, photograph, and a summary of who they are as provided on the application.
E.    During an irregular meeting, held the week before dead week, members convene to close F-Stop Society business for the semester as well as to vote for the new council. Voting shall be silent and all candidates must exit the room during this time.
F.    Upon the start of the fall semester, before the first regular meeting, elected individuals must meet with The Society’s adviser(s) to assign positions. An adviser will send out notice via email as to when this meeting will take place and is considered mandatory.
G.   In the event a student who was elected into council does not return for the fall semester or makes him or herself ineligible to hold office, or self-withdraws the active adviser(s) in conjunction with remaining elected officers, shall make an appointment to fill whatever vacancies are on the council. It is suggested, this is completed before the first regular meeting of the fall semester.

Section 4. Officer duties
A.   The Presiding Officer shall preside over all business meetings of The F-Stop Society and over all council meetings; be a liaison between adviser and society members; be a liaison and active representative in the School of Art & Art History as well as the Visual Art Student Association (VASA); shall appoint, after consultation with The Society’s adviser(s) the chairperson and members of all committees. The Presiding Officer shall also work with The Society adviser(s) to ensure the organization follows its bylaws and the governing rules and regulations of the University of Oklahoma, the City of Norman, and the state of Oklahoma in all instances.
B.   In the event that there is no current Presiding Officer, the remainder of the Presiding Officer’s term shall be filled by the 1st Officer. In the event the 1st Officer is unable to assume the responsibilities of the Presiding Officer or if the office of 1st Officer is vacant, the society shall host an election and vote in a new Presiding Officer.
C.   The 1st Officer shall assume all responsibilities in the absence of the Presiding Officer; shall oversee and coordinate organization with The Society adviser, all events unless committee designated with the help of the adviser.
D.   The Officer of Finance shall collect and keep accurate record of member dues; shall be present in any event in which there is monetary exchange and keep sufficient and acceptable records of such exchanges; shall work The Society adviser(s) to reconcile bank statements once a month and be responsible for all financial reports for The Society and the council members. In the event The Society should request a budget for any future event, the Officer of Finance will work with The Society adviser to produce a reasonable budget no sooner than one (1) week from the official request.
a.    Should a designated committee make a request for organization funding, that committee is charged with created a budget that will be presented to The Officer of Finance and The Society adviser(s) for approval. Money will be granted when the budget has been approved.
E.    The Officer of Records shall maintain minutes of every business and council meeting, making them publicly available within seven days of each meeting; shall document every election; shall be responsible for all correspondence of The Society unless it regards any media outlet; shall make available “intent-to-run” applications during the Spring semester and shall be responsible for the collection of said applications; shall issue notices of all regular meetings and irregular meetings; shall notify all council members if a council meeting has been called to order; shall keep record of all active members’, their current address, email address, telephone number, and web address (if applicable.)
F.    The Officer of Public Relations shall act as The Society liaison for all media outlets; shall create flyers, etc. of all events and activities as planned by The Society; shall create and maintain website for the organization as so members can access up-to-date information regarding The Society; shall be responsible for creating Press Releases for any member who makes accomplishment through art achievement.
G.   The Officer of Student Relations shall oversee student involvement and participation. It is his/her responsibility to make sure all members are actively involved, including freshmen, and that all students are integrating into the club. If any student feels unsatisfied, for whatever reason, they are encouraged to seek out the Officer of Student Relations where he or she will respectfully seek out to help the student and assist in such situations. It is the responsibility of this office to ensure freshmen students are actively involving themselves in leadership roles and group functions. And that upper-classmen are striving towards mentoring lower-classmen.

Section 5. Advisers
A.   The Society shall have at least one full-time member of the University of Oklahoma faculty or staff as required by 10 SC 4.2(d) of UOSA.
B.   It is a preference that if a faculty member in the Media department is available and willing, they be given choice to be an active adviser.
C.   The Society will allow up to five (5) advisers with at least one (1) taking on an active roll, the remaining advisers shall act as a board.
D.   Adviser(s) shall be appointed by The Presiding Officer and shall serve a term of one year from appointment, unless a majority of the Officers vote to remove the Adviser and appoint someone else.
E.    Active Advisers:
a.    Should help guide council officers and F-Stop members through advisement and offering themselves as an educational/professional resource.
b.    Are invited and encouraged to attend all business and council meetings and other special events.
c.     Shall act as a liaison between The Society and the advisory board, if applicable.
F.    Adviser Board Members
a.    Shall make recommendations and act as supportive resources for The Society.
b.    Are invited to attend all business and council meetings and other special events.
                                              i.     Members of the advisory board are ineligible to vote during business meetings, but may act as a resource if called upon.
                                            ii.     Members of the advisory board are eligible to vote during council meetings should they attend.
c.     Are eligible to substitute for any active adviser should an active adviser be unable to attend any specific meeting or other function.
d.    Shall oversee The Society is making reasonable effort to implement events that promote its mission and purposes.
e.     Shall oversee that active advisers are adequate guiding students and offering them professional advisement that promotes The Society’s mission and purposes.


A.   The Society is subject to Local, State, and Federal Laws.
B.   The F-Stop Society is independent from any national or parent organization
C.   Order and Nature of Business
a.    The selection and order of business during business and council meetings shall be determined by The Presiding Officer in consultation with the adviser(s). Agenda items submitted by any voting member shall be considered.
                                              i.     An email to the Officer of Records or the Presiding Officer shall suffice as an appropriate way to submit items to be considered for any agenda. It is suggested the member SUBJECT the email “Agenda Submission: ‘Item Name’” and include a brief explanation of the nature of the item being submitted.
b.    The agenda shall be distributed to all active members at the prior to the start of each meeting via email. It is suggested at each meeting, the Presiding Officer announce the close date for agenda items in regarding to the next business meeting.

Section 1. Business Meetings

A.   A quorum for legal transactions of F-Stop business meetings shall consist of at least ten (10) of the active members of The Society, not including at least a Presiding Officer, Officer of Finance, and an Officer of Records.
B.   A minimum of three (3) regular business meetings shall be held each semester according to a scheduled published at the beginning of the semester, as decided by the council and approved the adviser(s).  Meetings not consisting of business can include items such as workshops, field trips, social events, etc.
C.   The Presiding Officer may call a special, irregular meeting at any time and shall be required to call a special meeting within two (2) weeks upon the request of five (5) active members or the adviser(s). Members must have at least five (5) days advance notice with a statement of time, place, and meeting agenda.

Section 2. Council Meetings
A.   The council may hold council meetings if at the adviser(s) approval such meetings would benefit the entire Society.
B.   Quorom for legal transactions during council meetings shall consist of all officers and at least one active adviser.
C.   Members of the advisory board are eligible to attend and vote during a council meeting.
D.   Society members are eligible to attend a council meeting but are ineligible to vote.


Section 1. Dues
Semester membership fees will be due no later than one month after the start of each semester. The amount of these fees will be established by the Society council and will be determined during the first business meeting of the semester.


Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting by two-thirds of the eligible voting members who are present during said meeting and voting with the following procedures:
A.   Amendments shall be proposed by a member; a motion to make an amendment must be accompanied by a written proposal that contains the date of the proposal, the name and signature of the member who makes such motion and the name and signature of a member who seconds the motion. The written proposal must state the Article and Section that is being amended, its current state and how it should read with amendment.
B.   The written proposal shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory board, if one is available. If not, then the adviser shall give sole approval.
C.   Upon the adviser approval, a written notice of the amendment will be distributed to all members and the motion will be placed on the agenda no more than 30 days after the proposal date for a vote.

F-Stop Society is not affiliated with any parent organization and this Constitution is subject to the terms of the University of Oklahoma Student Code as the sole governing document. 

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